Our satellite links can be seen as an extension of a hybrid solution that uses our fiber backbone to link even spread locations in any kind of transmission format.

This fiber optic connections guarantee high bandwidth of up to 10Gps and are complemented by more than 80 satellite links determined by its frequencies.

Stellar's close relationship with the world's largest satellite operators combined with our own fiber network make it easy to get bandwidth when and where you need.

This hybrid solution enable us to provide a wide range of services, such as VoIP, inflight connectivity and HD TV

Bandwidth access service offered:

  • Provision of satellite capacity
  • Worldwide lease line connection

Stellar's global optic-fiber infrastructure based on DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) covers PoP locations around the world. To extend our reach, we increase the number of our PoPs continuously. This will enable us to encompass the whole world. Further, we are able to create a customized circuit in a matter of days rather than weeks in Central and Eastern Europe, North America, Asia and Australia.

Optical Fiber Network

Stellar connects Europe, North America, the Middle East, Africa and Asia via its two main teleport sites in Huerth/Cologne and in Cyprus. Thus, Stellar's horizon reaches as far as from 58°W to 75°E in Huerth and 37.5°W to 105.5°E in Cyprus.


+49.2233.39 68 0 info@stellar-pcs.com noc@stellar-pcs.com